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I use toy cars and turn them into emotional trash. When a toy breaks, a world of adventure crumbles down. It was part of a kid’s fantasy, but now it only delivers a stream of tears. The sadness of tears seems unwanted in our present media world. Why would you even share this with your glorious friends? I lose myself over comparison with others. Always trying to be seen and loved through constant self-promotion. The use of tools to create thé iconic lifestyle doesn’t allow space for any personal adventure. Scream as loud as you can, but please don’t disrupt. Just play the game. So, go ahead and buy that Ferrari and Rolex. Let them help you transcend towards the person you crave to be.

9 lamborghini toy cars, black acrylyc - 80 x 80 x 6 cm - 2021

Wanna Ride?

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